Legal Claims for People Exposed to Asbestos

personal injury law

It has been proven scientifically that exposure to asbestos poses significant health threats. This has resulted in laws being made to push for asbestos training and removal in both residential and working environments. Any individual who has been exposed to asbestos at their place of work can file a claim if he or she suffers any related health problem. Construction workers face the highest risk, particularly when the work on an old building that is lined with asbestos.

Effects of Asbestos

asbestos removal;

Asbestos contains microscopic fibers. Without the proper protective gear, the fibers inhaled might cause internal injuries. Mesothelioma, a type of cancer, is an example of the effects that can result from exposure to asbestos. The patient may also have asbestosis, which is a buildup of scar-like tissues in the lungs. The condition can lead to lung failure, disability, and death.

Personal Injury Cases for Asbestos Exposure

Exposure to asbestos can lead to a variety of cases. One of the claims can be based on negligence. For this claim to be filed, various factors need to be proven. It should be proven that the employer failed to honor the responsibility of protecting the worker, which resulted in the injury. Different regulating bodies make it a requirement for all employers to provide safety to their workers, particularly, if there are asbestos materials in the job site.

Asbestos protection can be offered in a variety of ways. For example, the employer should provide the right type of equipment and gear for working in an asbestos-contaminated environment. The amount of time that the worker is exposed to the asbestos should also be limited. A breach occurs when the employer fails to take such measures.

Proving Injury

As mentioned earlier asbestos exposure can cause very significant injuries. However, it can be quite challenging to prove that asbestos fibers caused the injuries the worker have. It, therefore, becomes paramount to involve an expert witness in the case. Given the extensive knowledge that the professionals have of how the fibers cause harm, they can detail the medical concerns of the plaintiff and prove how the asbestos fibers got embedded in the system of the worker.

asbestos disclaimer

Liability Claims

Liability claims may also be filed against the manufacturer of the products containing asbestos or those that manufacture the safety gear and equipment, for the case that they were defective.